Wednesday 6 October 2010

Audio check

They All Had Tentacles 
“They All Had Tentacles” 
(Noise Park Activities)

Best described as Nintendocore with an amazing name. Its like some insane 80’s space video game meets grindcore. Track titles like “A gleam of sunshine over a city of shit”. Very disjointed and weird. I can cope with this probably no longer than the 19 tracks in 28 minutes this cd lasts. But what an experience!

(Shrunken Head Recs)

These dudes I listened to like 20 years ago while tripping on acid. They were stoner rock before stoner rock was invented. Except they took a lot more acid. They split up after their seventh album – interestingly titled Zen For Sale, but have recently reformed and recorded this newie – still as psychedelic as before, but with some much more gnarly heavy ass fat riffing thrown in. Nice one boys.

More setbacks

Would you believe it. I spent nearly two weeks putting the audio menu pages together for the burnout issue, and tried to format the project into DVD files as a 'demo' for the final thing and discovered I had too many menu pages. Apparently most dvd players will only read up to 99 menus. Well, this audio issue had over 300, one for each band, and separate screens for each track etc...!!!

I can curse all i like but it wont change the fact a menu'd audio dvd aint gonna happen. Ive thought of ways to make it possibly work, and could spend another couple of weeks on each idea and postpone the release indefinately. But i wont. The audio disc is gonna have to be a whole wad of audio mp3 files on a dvd disc. I'll break them up into alphebeticised indexes to make finding bands and tracks easier, so it'll still be pretty accessable.

I'm telling you this disc is HUGE, ive been typing out the audio credits for the past 3 days and am still going!

Okay, time to meditate while hungry, keeps me raw and attentive. Then lunch!